MetricsMonday (011) – Endpoint Security (Part 3)

Vendors are stepping up their game!

Up until now we have been focused on our own metrics, but what about vendor supplied or created ones? Some tools such as Trellix ePO (shown above) natively provide useful metrics covering the overall security posture, even providing recommendations on how to improve these. In other words, leverage vendor supplied metrics whenever possible.

Since we are dealing with endpoint protection, they will come a time where something suspicious or malicious sis detected. Understanding the detection type e.g. infostealer, ransomware, remote access trojan, and location e.g. laptop, server, department, or business unit provide valuable insights into what is happening in your organization. In fact, let's take it step further and also correlate threat detections with user and application e.g. browser, MS Office, Windows Explorer.

We once worked with a customer that had a staff member that was trying to download pirated movies. We tracked his behavior starting with his office desktop, then his office laptop, and eventually vis his remote access to the Citrix Presentation Server (aka Remote Desktop Services) farm. Simply accepting the threat detection events without understanding the context and being able to address the issue with the user, would have opened the company up to significant cyber and business risk and liability.